Tuesday 11 November 2014

Meme - The Book Blogger Memory Challenge

A meme today! I got this from the fabulous blog What Red Read, which I positively devoured over the last few days ... whenever I took a study break that is! If you're into books like me and enjoy reading reviews you should definitely check out her blog - it's fantastic! But let's get started with the meme!

"The Book Blogger Memory Challenge"

The rules are as follows: answer the ten questions without using any sort of reference material (that includes the internet and your bookshelves). And then of course you're supposed to tag a couple of people if you feel like it! (At least that's the way I tend to interpret it!)

Okay, so ready, steady, GO!

1) The Neverending Story by Michael Ende

I won't lie, it took me an embarrassingly long amount of time to think of this book!

2) How to Train Your Dragon by Cressida Cowell

Preeeeetty sure there's a dragon on the cover ... and I only recently read this, so if there isn't, my memory really is worryingly bad.

3) Arthur and George by Julian Barnes

Admittedly, I haven't read this book, so I can't know for absolutely certain that it really is about a character named George ... but I'm going to go out on a limb here ;).

4) ???

It's said that Smith is the most common English surname ... and yet I really can't think of a single author whose surname is Smith. FAIL D:!

5) ???

The sad thing is, I actually have read a book about travelling through Australia ... but I really can't remember the title! As soon as I've posted this I'm going to check this out, because it's really bugging me ...

6) October Quickenings

Strictly speaking this isn't a book but a Merlin fanfiction that I read ages ago ... but I tend to take the view of a very wide defintion of literature. (Fingers crossed I got the month right though!)

7) Das Silberne Schwert by Ralf Isau

Do swords count as knives? Because I'm a 100% sure there's a sword on the book cover of this novel!

8) One Day by David Nicholls

Who else could not help but think of a hundred Friends episodes for this one? Dear tv obsession, NOT HELPING!

9) Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone by JK Rowling

That was an easy one :P!

10) The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

Also easy ;)!

And done! Now I'm off to check on all the mistakes I made - if anyone else would like to do this, consider yourself tagged!

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