Sunday 22 February 2015

Mark Twain - Huckleberry Finn

So, I started reading "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" recently. I read "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" last year and promised myself I would read Huck Finn's story as soon as possible - which is apparently 10 months later. Ergo, I'm sloooow.

Like with "Tom Sawyer" I like the book fine enough for now - but it hasn't really caught my interest yet. There are some exciting bits - the part where (SPOILER: Huck fakes his own death) is just thrilling - and I enjoy Mark Twain's way of telling a stoy. You see, especially in the exciting parts, he stops telling you what the characters are doing and explaining their thought processes behind it, and instead just shows you. So, for instance in the scene where (SPOILER: Huck fakes his own death), Mark Twain doesn't explicitly tell you that that's what Huck is doing, but rather he just shows you all the little preparations he makes, and all the fake clues he plants. It's genius, because that way you're challenged as a reader to pay attention.

But anyway, I'm only on chapter 12, so I can't really do a review on this novel yet. So instead, in order to do a little update to this poor, neglected blog I thought I'd do a book cover compilation post - which for convenience purposes will include CD covers and other media too. Why? Because A) covers are pretty and B) they can also be hilarious. I'll show you ;). But to start with the pretty:

Book Covers I Would Paper My Walls With

First Edition

Mainly because it's the cover of the first edition, I believe ;). But it is still rather pretty - I like the way they played around with the font especially.

Penguin Classics Deluxe Edition

So, admittedly, Huck looks like he's about to enter into a smoking contest with Gandalf here, but I really like the colour scheme in this cover. It's very soft and calming, and I just enjoy looking at it.

Bantam Classics Edition

Another one in which I really like the color scheme. I think I'm just a fan of orange xD.

And now for the hilarious ...

Penguin Classics Edition

So, let me start this category off with being immature: when I skim over this image, I always, ALWAYS think that Huck is grabbing Jim's butt. (That hand is waaaay too close to the other guy's behind, I'm sorry ...)

Classic Comics Edition

In which Huck learns to spit lightning at his enemies ...

Classics Illustrated Edition

I can't shake the feeling that there's something wrong with Huck's teeth here. They're a bit ... horse-y?

Europa Edition (audiobook)

... They weren't really trying were they?

Hope you enjoyed those!


  1. I really like your covers. I also like the orange colours. For the other covers, they are in the style of the 80ies or 90ies and maybe thats way they look so funny for us. Especally the Classic Comcis Edition remindes me of the German Audiobooks of Jan Tenner. ^^

    1. Yeah, obviously they're a bit dated ;). I like them though - even if they make me smile. It's got something ... reassuring about it. Like childhood memories. I think some of the books my grandmother used to read to me looked like that xD! Like "Hund Hasso" or whatever.

      Who's Jan Tenner though O_O?

    2. Jan Tenner was a German audio drama from the 1980ies. About a smart and sporty Physics student who saves the country Westerland against aliens. It is funny but very sexiest. It was for children in the 80ies what Bibi Blocksberg and Benjamin Blümchen was for us in the 90ies. ^^

    3. Oooooh, okay - never heard of him xD! Which is lucky I suppose :D! But awww - Benjamin and Bibi :)! And Flitze Feuerzahn! And I'm sure I'm forgetting dozens of other stories now xD!

    4. Flitze Feuerzahn? I don't know him. I was only a Bibi and a Bibi and Tina Child. ^^ And Jan Tenner is funny to listen to, it is something like a historical document for the time when being manly was important and a woman could only be an assistent of something.

    5. You could listen to the Famous Five though, if you want that. Anne makes me cringe a bit ...

    6. But I know most of the new stories with the Famous Five. At least of the original books.

    7. Hmmh, true. Flitze Feuerzahn is about a little dragon who lives with a sea captain btw - it's really quite cute :).
