Sunday 1 March 2015

Asterix: The Land of the Gods

Yesterday I went to see the new Asterix film with my brother. First off, my initial reaction:

(c) onlyknowyouloveherwhenyouletgo (tumblr)

This film was great, honestly! Much, much better than any of the recent Asterix films that have been produced - which especially includes all those live-action ones (I absolutely hated those). First of all, for anyone who would like to have a look at the trailer:

There were so many things that I liked about this film, I don't even know where to begin - so this will be a rather haphazard list, I'm afraid. Sorry!

First of all, they actually had the Romans say Latin phrases from time to time - just like they would in the comics! It's a small point, admittedly, but I really think it's great that they took so much care to try and adhere to the spirit of the comics!

(c) Goscinny & Uderzo: The Laurel Wreath

Second, this film is funny. Not every joke hits its mark, of course, particularly not for me since I'm not likely to laugh just because someone gets hit over the head. BUT there are so many plays on words and funny situations - it's charming really! And since humour is one of the most important features of Asterix, it's important to get this right.

Third, Asterix is so damn cute in this film. Seriously, just look at this picture for instance:

Asterix is not amused. 

And that's just the beginning really - there are so many shots in this film, which make him look even more endearing. And don't even get me started on Dogmatix. It's a wonder I got out of that cinema alive.

Fourth, the music is brilliant! The film's got a truly great score, and I really enjoyed the insertion of "Ti amo" by Sara Perchè at some point in the middle of the film, when Asterix felt like his world was going crazy. It really fit the mood of the moment - and, well, I like that song anyway ;)!

Fifth, the opening credits are a true work of art. In style, they are very similar to the opening credits of the recent Tintin film by Spielberg and Jackson:

In the opening credits of the Asterix film, obviously it's Asterix who's running into various, dangerous situations that sort of start blending into each other - not Tintin. Once again it's so well-made, I'd go to the cinema again just to see this sequence a second ... or third ... or even fourth time ;).

Lastly, and most importantly (to me), the film is really about something. It's not just slapstick humour and an arrangement of funny, little moments. There is a real conflict at the heart of the film, one that not only puts Romans against Gauls, but also opens up a rift between the villagers of our favourite Armorican settlement - and that's were things get really interesting. I won't tell you any more in case you still want to see the film, but honestly? It's glorious!

The only negative point that I've got to make is about Caesar. He just wasn't in character for me - and funnily enough, Asterix says something similar at the end of the film, when he accuses Caesar of not keeping to the rules of the game as he usually does. The problem is that he acts too much like a crazy dictator - complete with manic laughter, crazy plans and total disregard for his subordinates. The Caesar from the comic books just isn't like that - he's cold and calculating, yes, and he acutally doesn't care much about his underlings ... but he's not crazy. He's super intelligent and cruel - but not in the mad, shouting way he acts in the film.

Overall though, this does not detract much from the quality of the film, since all of the other characters are so well portrayed and the film in its entirety is just so lovely!

Rating: Where is the TARDIS?! I need to see this film again!


  1. Question: I don't like the new animation. Thats why I said I don't want to watch the film. You write, that it is cute. I'm just not ... you know? Well I wasn't even a huge fan to begin with. Maybe I'll watch it later on TV.

    1. ... Where's the question? xD

      You're right, it takes some getting used to ... but in the end I wound up really liking it :)! But that's something that everyone has to decide for themselves. And honestly, I think I only ended up liking the animation so much because the plot was so good - if that had been rubbish I'm sure I would've found the animation a lot less flattering ;). It's just ... when something is good, everything about it usually adds to the experience you know ;)?
